Vitreoretina Treatment Services
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Vitreous detachment and haemorrhage
- Macular holes and pucker
- Retinal Detachment, tears and holes
- Retinopathy of Prematurity
- Vascular Occlusions
We employ the most advanced tools in the diagnosis (Fundus fluorescein angiography i.e FFA and Optical Coherence Tomography i.e OCT) of diseases of the retina.
All kinds of injections are available for different retinal diseases. We also have a well equipped operation theatre and advanced machines for vitreo-retinal surgery.
Know more about common retinal diseases
- Click here to know more about Diabetic Retinopathy
- Click here to know more about Age Related Macular Degeneration
- Click here to know more about Retinal Detachment
- Macular holes and pucker
- Click here to know more about Uveitis
Apart from the routine treatment certain specialized treatments offered here include:
- Stringent diabetic screening and surgical treatment of advanced disorders.
- All types of lasers for Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Holes, Tears, CRVO, BRVO.
- Surgeries like Scleral buckling for retinal detachments
- Anti VEGF injections for ARMD, diabetes, retinal vascular disorders and ROP
- PDT (Photodynamic therapy for Age related macular degeneration-AMD).
- Sutureless vitrectomy for early patient rehabilitation
- Glued IOL
- Support for patients with potential blindness- AMD and Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).
- Paediatric retina services supported by a paediatric anaesthetist.
Equipment and Infrastructure :

- Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
It is a simple test of 5 minutes duration. Retina is examined through a beam of light going into the eye. It is a basic test and requires dilated pupil.

- Digital Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)
A digital photo of the retina is captured and documented. Excellent diagnosis of many retinal conditions like diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration and retinal vascular occlusions can be made.

- Optical Coherence Tomography( OCT )
is a non-invasive technology used for imaging the retina, the multi-layered sensory tissue lining the back of the eye. OCT, the first instrument to allow doctors to see cross-sectional images of the retina, is revolutionizing the early detection and treatment of eye conditions such as macular holes, pre-retinal membranes, macular swelling and even optic nerve damage. There are 10 anatomic layers within the retina. OCT uses the optical backscattering of light to rapidly scan the eye and describe a pixel representation of the anatomic layers within the retina. Each of these ten important layers can be differentiated and their thickness can be measured. For certain conditions, such as age-related macular degeneration and cystoid macular edema, the 45 second OCT procedure is able to reduce or eliminate the need for fluorescein angiography for some patients.

- Green laser 532nm
It has all three delivery devices Viz. Slit lamp, Indirect Ophthalmoscope and endolaser Laser treatment is done for retinal holes, tears, lattice degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, macular edema and retinal vascular diseases.
- Vitrectomy System
is equipped with the most advanced Vitrectomy Systems. It is equipped with 26 G Vitrectomy ensuring spectacular results in Vitreo retinal surgeries.
- Zeiss Visu 160 microscope with BIOM
- Top of the line microscope with XY and motorized zoom
- BIOM and SDI for superior viewing of the retina and the vitreous during surgery - The most advanced wide angle viewing system
- Panoramic view of the retina with excellent resolution and depth perception during surgery
- CCTV with video recording facilities